MSoundCapture and MSoundPlayback

Some of my students (and myself) were having trouble with the Mary Jane Soft MSound library so I put together very quick and dirty style libraries: MSoundCapture and MSoundPlayback Download them: MSoundCapture, MSoundPlayback Here is some example code: import processing.core.*; import com.mobvcasting.msoundcapture.*; import com.mobvcasting.msoundplayback.*; public class MSoundCaptureTest extends PMIDlet { MSoundPlayback sndplay; MSoundCapture sndcap; byte[] […]

MMMSMessaging Library

In my ongoing series of libraries for Mobile Processing, I put together a library for sending MMS Messages. You can download the library and the source. Here is a quick example using it (this example also uses my MVideoCapture library): import processing.core.*; import com.mobvcasting.mmmsmessaging.*; import com.mobvcasting.mvideocapture.*; public class MMMSMessagingTest extends PMIDlet { MMMSMessaging mms; MVideoCapture […]

MHTTPFilePoster Library

Along with my MVideoCapture and MVideoPlayback libraries, I needed to develop a means to post those files to the web through standard HTTP. For this reason, I put together this library. You can download the library and source. Here is an example which also uses the MVideoCapture library: import processing.core.*; import com.mobvcasting.mhttpfileposter.*; import com.mobvcasting.mvideocapture.*; public […]

MVideoPlayback Library

I recently needed to develop a library for Mobile Processing for video playback that works with my MVideoCapture library. You can download the library and source. Here is a quick example for using it (this example also uses my MVideoCapture library): import processing.core.*; import com.mobvcasting.mvideocapture.*; import com.mobvcasting.mvideoplayback.*; public class MVideoCaptureTest extends PMIDlet { MVideoPlayback vidplay; […]

MVideoCapture Library

I recently needed to develop a library for Mobile Processing for video capture. You can download the library and source. Here is a quick example for using it (this example also uses my MVideoPlayback library): import processing.core.*; import com.mobvcasting.mvideocapture.*; import com.mobvcasting.mvideoplayback.*; public class MVideoCaptureTest extends PMIDlet { MVideoPlayback vidplay; MVideoCapture vidcap; byte[] videoData; String captureKey […]

MVideoCapture Library – Mobile Processing

UPDATE: An updated post about this library can be found here: I just finished up a library for Mobile Processing called MVideoCapture. I don’t have time to document it at the moment but you can download, look at the source and try out the following sample code: import com.mobvcasting.mvideocapture.*; MVideoCapture vidcap; byte[] videoData; String […]

New QuickTime Audio/Video Posting Plugin for WordPress

I just finished up a slightly different/easier QuickTime Posting Plugin for WordPress. This one differs a bit from my original QuickTime Posting Plugin in that it has a GUI interface and uses JavaScript to dynamically embed the audio/video instead of directly embedding them. This has been a common request amongst people using the original version […]