MMMSMessaging Library

In my ongoing series of libraries for Mobile Processing, I put together a library for sending MMS Messages. You can download the library and the source.

Here is a quick example using it (this example also uses my MVideoCapture library):

import processing.core.*;

import com.mobvcasting.mmmsmessaging.*;
import com.mobvcasting.mvideocapture.*;

public class MMMSMessagingTest extends PMIDlet
MMMSMessaging mms;

MVideoCapture vidcap;

String captureKey = "Capture Video";
String stopKey = "Stop Capture";
String sendMessageKey = "Send Message";
String statusMessage = "";

byte[] outputArray;

//public static int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 307200;
public static int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 305000;

public void setup()
mms = new MMMSMessaging(this);
vidcap = new MVideoCapture(this);



public void draw()

public void softkeyPressed(String label)
if (label.equals(sendMessageKey))
if (outputArray.length < MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) { mms.sendMMS("youremailorphonenumber","subject","body",outputArray,"video/3gpp","avideo.3gp"); } else { // Too big, divide up int numSegments = (int)Math.ceil((double)((double)outputArray.length/(double)MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)); for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) { byte[] newOutputArray; if (i < numSegments - 1) { newOutputArray = new byte[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(outputArray, i*MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, newOutputArray, 0, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); } else { newOutputArray = new byte[outputArray.length - i*MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(outputArray, i*MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, newOutputArray, 0, newOutputArray.length); } mms.sendMMS("youremailorphonenumber","subject part " + (i+1) + " of " + numSegments,"body",newOutputArray,"video/3gpp","avideo_part_" + i + ".3gp"); } } } else if (label.equals(captureKey)) { softkey(stopKey); vidcap.showCamera(); vidcap.startCapture(); } else if (label.equals(stopKey)) { softkey(sendMessageKey); vidcap.stopCapture(); vidcap.hideCamera(); outputArray = vidcap.getCapturedVideo(); } } }

You can find more examples and a discussion on using this library from my course Mobile Media Week 7 notes